• O. Yemi Tubi
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  • Added 21 Jul 2023
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Message In A Bottle

“Then the Lord God placed the man (humans) in the garden of Eden (Earth) to cultivate it and guard it” Genesis 2:15 (GNB version) According to the Bible verse above, humans are supposed to be caretakers and custodians of creatures and planets that were created by God. Unfortunately, humans are the greatest abusers and the destroyers of the planet Earth, and we are reaping the fruits of our destructive actions through droughts, floods, and other natural disasters. This painting was influenced by the negative reaction of some climate change denials of world leaders to the Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg’s speeches and other people that think that climate change activists are a nuisance that likes to disrupt the smooth running of their day-to-day lives by their activism. These Climate Change denials may wish to put the climate change activists in a bottle, cork it and throw the bottle in the ocean so as not to hear the ranting of the climate change activist and continue their climate-destructive habits. Take out the bottles from the ocean, uncorked the bottles, uncorked your ears, hearken to the message in the bottles and change the habit that causes climate change. The ocean creatures are choking and dying from pollution. Hearken to the urgent plea of our children- SAVE OUR PLANET. CLIMATE CHANGE I am an artist, oblige me to paint the picture in words. At an alarming rate, Rainforest is disappearing. Rain is not falling when it ought to. Sporadically, rainfall in excess; causes deaths and damages. Furiously, Flooding cities, towns, and villages. People and their pets are drowning. Wildlife is not even spared. For God’s sake, Change the habit that changes the climate. Our air and sea are polluted. The wildlife, the common and the rear, On the verge of extinction. In the forest and in the ocean and sea, They choked on human wastes. The urban dwellers daily choked in toxic, Emitting from vehicles on our roads. For crying out loud, Change the habit that changes the climate. The industrial revolution of old, good, and great. Industries sprang up here and there. The Great depression heralded great success. Affluent life comes to town. Disposable life, new style in town. Mountains of disposable waste are everywhere. We are enjoying the luxury at our own peril. Disposable materials may dispose us, If we don’t change the habit that changes the climate.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Vicki Pelham 21 Jul 2023

Excellent work, weel done!